With all the climate change discussions going on, I wanted to explore a way of using creativity to draw attention on a street level
The result was this site-specific refuse-related small-scale street art installation that uses a plastic picnic plate as the base for a model duck pond, complete with a floating rubber duck and a sign with a piquant question which hopefully gives the piece a resonance beyond the deliberate attempt at ‘making strange’ that is the depositing of the object at an unsuspecting rubbish bin.
I had the idea while waiting for the bus, and so I took time to search out a plate that would be perfectly sized to fit the aperture of a regular sized refuse container of the type you see everywhere. I was also careful to choose a blue, opaque plate, as I wanted the blue to give a sense of the water being deeper than it actually is.
Another factor for the design was that it could be easily replicated for multiple installations as it uses very normal small pebbles, green felt for the reeds, and coffee stirrers for the sign.
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